Enrollment Musical Theater Activities

Special Courses

Stael Ruffinelli de Ortiz offers special courses: Legal English: Aimed to lawyers, law students and notary. Requirements: Placement...

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Placement Test

The placement is aimed at people who have already studied English. We have 2 classifications for all ages: Beginners and intermediate. The Beginners test...

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Online classes

Edusoft Platform  Online classes are designed with a pedagogical platform that will allow you to develop different modules, in a very easy and fast...

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Legal English


Aimed to lawyers, Law Students and Notary.

Duration: 3 months

The main goal of this course is to interact and discuss legal topics using legal terminology. In this course we like to use terminology from countries such as Great Britain and the United States.

To achieve this goal, the students partake in the following activities:

  • Write articles, letters and legal documents.
  • Usage of proper language to offer explanations, advise, identify problems and give solutions.
  • Demonstrate listening comprehension in conference and conversations.
  • Discuss economic and social problems at a local and international level.
  • Read articles from international newspapers, and articles related to political and social sciences.
  • Learn about NAFTA, ALCA, MERCOSUR.
  • Talk about legal topics with lawyers from well-known Legal Offices.
  • Interact, discuss and negociate legal issues, using legal terminology.

The course can be modified to suit the needs of your company but broadly consists of the following:

  • An introduction to the Legal English System including sources of English law and the importance of the European Court Justice and European Directives.
  • An introduction to the American Legal System
  • Contracts 1- An introduction to Contract Law
  • Contracts 2- Contract information
  • Contracts 3- Offer and Acceptance
  • Contracts 4- Consideration
  • Breach of contract- remedies
  • Case Study on Breach of Contract
  • Campany Law 1- Introduction to company law
  • Campany 2- Formation and fundamental changes
  • Employment law
  • Civil Litigation including- drafting pleadings, letters of claim, witness statements and civil procedure
  • Legal Correspondence- writing better emails, drafting cases summaries, paraphrasing legal statutes for clients, writing internal memos, client care letters
  • Sale of goods and consumer protection
  • The law of real property
  • Torts and the law of Negligence
  • The role of equity in Common Law Legal System
  • Intellectual property
  • Secured Transactions
  • Competition Law

The course will enable participants, should they wish, to take the internationally recognized Cambridge administered exam the International Legal English Certificate  (ILEC)