Enrollment Musical Theater Activities

Special Courses

Stael Ruffinelli de Ortiz offers special courses: Legal English: Aimed to lawyers, law students and notary. Requirements: Placement...

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International Speakers


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Work with us

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Placement Test

The placement is aimed at people who have already studied English. We have 2 classifications for all ages: Beginners and intermediate. The Beginners test...

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Online classes

Edusoft Platform  Online classes are designed with a pedagogical platform that will allow you to develop different modules, in a very easy and fast...

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Acquisitions and Members

New acquisitions and new library members


Just received:

  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - - J.K Rowling
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - J.K Rowling
  • The Chronicles of Narnia - C.S. Lewis
  • Complete Fairy Tales of Oscar Wilde - Oscar Wilde
  • El Principe - Nicolás Maquiavelo
  • El intermediario - John Grisham

For children:

  • Ser generoso es algo hermoso - Ma. del carmen Florentín
  • Las arañas trabajadoras - Ma. del carmen Florentín
  • El encuentro con la señora garza - Ma. del carmen Florentín
  • De vuelta a casa - Ma. del carmen Florentín
  • Las aventuras de Anahí - Ma. del carmen Florentín


How to become a library member?

All the students of the Institute are members of the Library!